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Wir kommen aus MV und grüßen Nordkorea


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Das ist die Cover-Karte der ersten gedruckten Ausgabe von KATAPULT. Darin finden Sie populärwissenschaftliche Artikel, Karten und Grafiken zu den Themen Migration, Diktaturen und Korruption.

Das Magazin wird in allen Bahnhofs- und Flughafenbuchhandlungen Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz vertrieben.

Bundesland BIP (Mrd. Euro) Staat BIP (Mrd. Euro)
Baden-Württemberg 438,27 Polen 516
Bayern 521,93 Schweden 557
Berlin 117,27 Ungarn 132
Brandenburg 61,9 Kuba 68
Bremen 30,24 Tansania 32
Hamburg 103,14 Marokko 105
Hessen 250,49 Israel 291
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 38,48 Nordkorea 40
Niedersachsen 253,62 Hongkong 273
Nordrhein-Westfalen 624,67 Schweiz 650
Rheinland-Pfalz 127,61 Bangladesch 141
Saarland 33,55 Panama 40
Sachsen 108,65 Angola 121
Sachsen-Anhalt 55,62 Sri Lanka 65
Schleswig-Holstein 84,02 Slowakei 95
Thüringen 54,33 Usbekistan 56

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“Most people who I know left or are about to leave the country“

Last Thursday the KATAPULT had the chance to speak to a young woman in Russia about the situation inside the country. Originally it was planned as a video-interview. However the newest regulations in Russia which suppress the freedom of press and punish the spreading of information against the government are punishable with  a prison sentence of up to 15 years. That’s why the interview will now be published as completely anonymized text. The photos were sent by the interviewee. Her name and hometown has been verified by KATAPULT.

Russia's war against Ukraine. Russia's war against the world

This morning started with good news: No regional hub of Ukraine is occupied by the Russians. Very good news, considering the last eight days.

Today, we hired the first 15 Ukrainian journalists

14 of the 15 are women. Four are currently fleeing West. Some are in calmer regions of Ukraine, while some are in violent war zones.