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Today, we hired the first 15 Ukrainian journalists


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KATAPULT has been asked for bulletproof vests, helmets, smartphones, laptops and cameras. So, we've decided that we’re not only sending our new journalists money but also equipment - always with the request that they not put themselves in danger!

We even hired one person from Russia. Why? Because it is incredibly important. The whole war has one great hope: the Russian people. They must become loud and unpleasant, stand up against the military, against politics, against Putin. Russians are being deceived at the moment. They need to learn the truth. Free journalism is crucial in ensuring that this can happen. That's why we are hiring Russian journalists from now on and becoming a joint Ukrainian-Russian project! Of course, we will be checking every new person we hire very carefully. Get in touch!

As of today, we have a Twitter channel that our new KATAPULT employees will use as a platform. They will post reports and updates and upload videos and pictures.

Let's go! https://twitter.com/KatapultUkraine

Our costs are skyrocketing right now. We are turning our school, which was supposed to be a publishing house, into a refugee shelter and are now paying salaries for a lot more people. But the expenses don't matter! Because we have you, our readers. You have already funded over 1,000 subscriptions to KATAPULT Ukraine. What absolute madness! You are the ones who make it all possible. Thank you very much! If you still want to join, you can do so here: https://katapult-magazin.de/de/aboukraine.

We thought we were contributing a lot by cutting our salaries, but then you guys came in and added another 130,000 euros on top. You guys are blowing us away with your generosity! Tomorrow, we'll publish an article about all of the bizarre offers we've received, as well as information about our most recently received large donations. Transparency is a must! Our big KATAPULT family will never be the same again. Because this war concerns us all. And it's for that reason that KATAPULT goes to Ukraine - maximum help and maximum effort, we give what we can.


Der Herausgeber von KATAPULT und Chefredakteur von KATAPULTU ist einsprachig in Wusterhusen bei Lubmin in der Nähe von Spandowerhagen aufgewachsen, studierte Politikwissenschaft und gründete während seines Studiums das KATAPULT-Magazin.

Aktuell pausiert er erfolgreich eine Promotion im Bereich der Politischen Theorie zum Thema »Die Theorie der radikalen Demokratie und die Potentiale ihrer Instrumentalisierung durch Rechtspopulisten«.

Die Redaktion (Roman)


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