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War in Ukraine

Children born during the war


"In the last two days, 8 babies were born in this hospital"

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On Wednesday, our correspondent, Eugeniy Kotenko, visited the Kyiv Maternity Hospital.
Here is his report:
“Today I visited one of the maternity hospitals in Kyiv. Every day, despite the missiles and shells exploding outside the window, doctors help women to give birth. When there are hostilities in the vicinity, babies have been delivered in basements. In the last two days, 8 babies were born in this hospital.

"Ukrainian young family"
"When there are hostilities in the vicinity, babies have been delivered in basements"

The head doctor and several nurses have not left their jobs since February 24th, and the rest of the staff work in shifts.

The building is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is ready to receive expectant mothers at any time."

"Obstetric department number 2"

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