In der Ukraine gibt es ein noch junges Medium, das sich innerhalb kürzester Zeit zu einem der größten und wichtigsten Nachrichtenmedien weltweit entwickelt hat. Mit fundierter Berichterstattung über den Krieg hat der Kyiv Independent seine Leserschaft von wenigen Tausend auf einige Millionen deutlich erhöhen können.
There is a new newspaper in Ukraine that has become one of the biggest and most important newspapers in the world. They started with a few thousand readers and now have a few million. The Kyiv Independent drastically increased their readership and provided high-quality news about the war.
Kyiv is a crucial element of Ukraine’s defense against the Russian army. The Ukrainian government remains here, and the capitol has turned into a powerful fortress ready to defend itself in case of a major attack.
Irpin is one of the few towns in the region under Russian siege. More than three thousand civilians were evacuated from Irpin, a town in Kyiv oblast, during March 9, 2022
More than 1.5 million Ukrainians have fled the country in less than two weeks.
The exodus of Ukrainians is the biggest refugee crisis Ukraine has faced since the Second World War
Here are testimonies from two different women named Yuliya – one in Kyiv, and one in Vienna. They are both Ukrainians, they are both volunteers, and they are both suffering. Both Yuliyas are working to spread honest information about the war in Ukraine. Here are their thoughts: