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Jeremy Connor

Geboren 1994 in den USA. Seit 2020 Redakteur bei KATAPULT. Zuvor Studium der Musik und Linguistik/Germanistik an der University of Alabama. Teamleiter von @katapultmaps.

Articles (4)

More condoms = more diplomas!

Better access to contraceptives increases the likelihood of graduation for young girls.

Space Race 2.0

Russland und die USA schicken innerhalb weniger Wochen Schauspieler*innen in den Weltraum. Es beginnt eine Jagd nach Premieren und Rekorden.

Police Killings: Consequences Pending...

Protests continue after Daunte Wright, a young, Black American, was fatally shot by a police officer in Minnesota on Sunday.

Don't cross the street in Florida

More pedestrians in the United States are being killed by drivers than ever before. Between 2010 and 2019, 53,435 people died after being hit by drivers – a 45% increase compared to the decade prior.