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Костянтин Коновалов - Konstantin Konovalov

Artikel (6)

The city of Lviv is one of the major hubs of Ukrainian culture - museums, buildings, paintings, art. But what could the country do to save it all?

Builders and restorers removing ancient statues that cannot be dismantled from the roofs - wrapped in protective film. Lviv (Lemberg) is preparing to defend itself from Russian attack

Ukrainische Bauern klauen russische Panzer

Seit den ersten Tagen der russischen Invasion gibt es Meldungen über ukrainische Bauern, die russische Panzer stehlen. Fake, glaubt ihr? Nein, es ist die Wahrheit.

Українські фермери крадуть російські танки

З перших днів вторгнення Росії на територію України почала поширюватися інформація , що українські фермери крадуть російські танки. Фейк, скажете ви? Ні. Так і є. Але як це сталося і навіщо українським селянам російська військова техніка?

Ukrainian farmers steal Russian tanks

From the first days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, information began to spread that Ukrainian farmers were stealing Russian tanks. Fake, you say? No. It’s true. But how did this happen and why do Ukrainian farmers need Russian military equipment?


In this article, I will continue my analysis on what is happening in Ukraine at each direction of invasion. In my first article, I wrote about the difficult situation in the South (Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa). Today, I will share information regarding one of most difficult directions: NORTH


From day one, Putin marked four directions: South, North, Northwest (Belarus) and East (Donbas). I will provide daily updates about what is happening in each direction. Today: information about the first, most difficult direction: SOUTH